Monday, March 12, 2012

My weekend

I have come to the conclusion that it is near impossible to blog when you do not have internet. S and I have yet to set up internet and cable and we have been moved in for a month. Which means that my iPhone is my only communication with the world and blogging on an iPhone is a little bit hard! This means blogging comes few and far between. S and I had a great weekend except for me being a little sick- I hate colds! There is really no cure for them except for cold medicine which isn't instant relief sadly. Here are some pictures from the weekend.

On Thursday before work I had to go get an oil change so I had time to kill before I had to be into work so I wandered into Kohl's which probably wasn't the best idea for someone like me who loves (needs) everything in their housewares department! Well I stumpled upon the most amazing deal of my life. Their KitchenAid knife sets were all 60% off and on top of that if you applied for a credit card and got approved you got an additional 30% off your purchase. I took these babies home with me for $22.31 which I would say is not too bad!!

New KitchenAid knife block!
S and I went shopping with the family all day on Friday which was amazing because we haven't had a day off together in forever! So we went to the outlets in Gaffney, SC which have some great stores might I add! We shopped the whole day and had a blast with each other. We appreciate our time together much more now that we barely see each other. S just got some baseball shoes the other day so it was my turn to get new shoes. My new obsessions is bright, colorful running shoes! I found the most awesome Adidas colorful shoes which will match not a single pair of scrubs I own, but I love them regardless!

Hot Pink and Neon Green new Adidas shoes!
 On Friday night after shopping all day we got home and I was sick as a dog. I had the chills, a runny nose, a sore throat, and my head was killing me-- no fun! S had to work on saturday so he brought me the puppies to sleep with me once he left- I have the sweetest future husband if I didn't already mention that. Also I'm not sure if my puppies have ever had the appropriate introduction. I two precious furry children and I love them to death! My first baby is a teacup chihuahua and her name is Chloe Coco Chanel- we call her Chloe. She is four and perfect in every way. Then there is the other baby who is a puppy farm rescue so she is very skiddish but sweet as can be- she is a maltise bichon mix or a Maltichon. Her name is Emmie Lou Sue- we call her Emmie or fluff depending on when her lasting grooming was. They are sweet as can be! They love to snuggle in the bed and they are perfect for keeping you warm when you have the chills!!! Well once they woke me up on Saturday morning - I got up and walked them around our neighborhood and then came back inside and found the cure for all colds! Hot tea and honey works miracles for the sick person!

New Favorite hot tea- add honey and it is perfection!
I drank my tea while lounging around the house and cleaning! I am addicted to all things animal print- I even have leopard and zebra print Danskos if that tells you anything about how deep that obsession runs! Well my first Christmas with S he got me these amazing leopard slippers- I am pretty sure they have memory foam in them. I wear them around the house and even in the car on the way to church when I don't feel like putting on my shoes til we get to church. My leopard slippers plus the hot tea were my "sick lifesaver" this weekend!

Leopard Slipper love!
 I wanted to sit outside because it was so beautiful but I have no patio furniture so I went out and got the most awesome colorful adirondack chairs for my front porch- we want rocking chairs but for now these will do. The rest of the day Saturday was spent on my front porch reading in the sun in the beautiful 78* weather- it can stay like that for awhile please! Chloe (the princess) decided she was going to sit on the front porch with me and bake in the sun! So while I lounged and read a few books/magazines on my iPad- Chloe sat in the sun and was happy observing the neighbors!

New Adirondack Chairs on the front porch.

Chloe "lounging" on her bed on the front porch.
While I was lounging on the porch I happened to notice that it is starting to look like spring. The daffodils in my front yard have started to bloom along with all of the "popcorn trees" as we call them. My neighbors have beautiful popcorn trees lining their driveway so I snapped a picture because they look beautiful!!

Popcorn Trees
Saturday night was spent hanging out at my future-in-laws house and we had a blast with S's little brothers. With the time change being on Saturday night/Sunday morning we slept through our alarms on Sunday morning and did not make it to church. S just started coaching his little brother's little league team so we had practice on Sunday afternoon and then went back to S's parents house and I cooked everyone dinner. We had a great weekend together! This weekend should be fun too- my older sisters birthday is Friday so we are going out on Saturday night for St. Patricks day- bring on the green beer!

N ♥

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